Los Tananeos
Product Page:
Need to create a custom form on the Adoptar page’s “adopción única” tab and replace the wix form that was already created.
The custom form needs to have the following fields of inputs,
“Nombre” (text input)
“Apellido” (text input)
“Email” (email input)
Radio Options called “Elige la cantidad de árboles qe quires adoptar por año” with the following choices,
1 Árbol $ 45.000
2 Árboles $ 90.000
3 Árboles $ 135.000
5 Árboles $ 225.000
10 Árboles $ 450.000
Two submit buttons called “Transferencia bancaria” and “Pago con tarjeta”
If the user submits “Pago con tarjeta”,
Needs to store the gathered inputs in a new Database named as “Adopción Anual Form”(Later you can change the name of the database as you wish).
And once stored on the database, the site needs to redirect to a url(you can change it later on the coding area).
If the user submits “Pago con tarjeta”,
Needs to store the gathered inputs in a new Database named as “Adopción Anual Form”(Later you can change the name of the database as you wish).
And once stored on the database, the site needs to redirect to the url based on the selected choice at “Elige la cantidad de árboles qe quires adoptar por año”